Some of my finds from the trip. I did get a lot of clothes as well, but those will be appearing on the blog soon in some outfit posts.

1. Vintage Tapestry Handbag, $15 Retrospect (A Goodwill Vintage Retail Store)
2. Vintage Owl, $2 Philly AIDS Thrift
3. 50s Pattern, $2 Antique Mall in Adamstown
4. Bakelite Bangle and Earrings Set, $16 Adam's Antique Mall, Adamstown
5. Vintage Bamboo Vase, $5 Adam's Antique Mall, Adamstown
6. 50s Revlon Aquamarine Lotion, $6 Adam's Antique Mall, Adamstown
7. Vintage Barkcloth Fabric, $2 Antique Mall in Adamstown (from same vendor as #3)
8. Vintage Seal Salt and Pepper Shakers, $2 Philly AIDS Thrift
9. Vintage Plastic Belt Buckle, $1 Antique Mall in Adamstown
That is pretty much all the "smalls" that I picked up on my trip. I couldn't believe I was able to get that bakelite set for $16!! I would have paid that alone for the bracelet.
I have to say, I was pretty impressed with the offerings in Adamstown. Apparently, they do a yearly fair/festival thing and it is something I would definitely consider attending in the future.
If anyone is interested, I can do a post on the different stores I went to and give a sort of review.