
Interested in promoting your shop or blog on Livin' Vintage?  I would love it if you did!

Ads come in three sizes and run for 30 days, rotating with each page load to allow for equal exposure for each sponsor.  If you need help designing an ad, I would be more than happy to help!

About Livin' Vintage
*781+ Followers via Bloglovin and Feedly
*372 Google Followers
*832 Facebook Followers
*692 Instagram Followers
*220 Pinterest Followers
*Over 10,000 page views last month

What You Get
-Featured: Own blog post and promotion on facebook and twitter.  Also featured on monthly sponsor round-up.
-Large: 5 pinterest pins and featured in monthly sponsor round-up
-Medium: Featured in monthly sponsor sound-up

Also Available
I am now offering dedicated blog posts on your blog, shop, business, or products.  These are limited to vintage/retro related items and topics that adhere to the theme of my blog.

I am also now offering a social media package.  Branch out and share your blog, shop, or site via my social media.

*I am always open to sponsored giveaways, sponsored outfit posts, and swapping ad spaces*