Two weekends ago, Jesse and I made the drive to the Midland Flea Market, something I wait for all year long. The Midland Flea Market is the biggest flea market in Michigan and only happens three weekends a year. I always choose to go the last weekend it is held and on the Sunday, as dealers are trying to move their stuff and the prices always seems better. Jesse and I both found some really great stuff. Here are my finds:
1. A "Swanky Swig" pitcher with glass top. I found one like this
last year and was delighted to find another one this year. The Midland Flea Market is the only place I have ever seen these before and I use my other one all the time, so this was a great find at $10.
2. A vintage elephant planter -- $3
3. Vintage owl eye glasses holder. I about squealed when I found this!! Your glasses rest on his nose and he is currently residing on my bedside table. For $3, this HAD to come home with me!
4. Vintage birdie vase -- $8 I love birds and this vase fits right in in my new kitchen at Retroville.
5. Plate with vintage transfer -- $1
6. Daguerreotype -- $10
7. Five vintage metal curlers -- $1
8. Vintage chalkware birdies -- $4 for the pair
9. Fireking Peach Glaze pie plate -- $5 I actually have never come across one of these before and am kinda kicking myself for not just buying the other one that was there, but I was trying to be frugal and plus, do I really need two Fireking pie plates?
Not pictured is four vintage dresses, including a Swirl (check back tomorrow for its reveal), a lobby card, and a record of the Grasshoppers singing the Beatles.
All in all, this was a great year and I already can't wait for next year.