It's officially summertime here! Which means no school, no deadlines, no paper writing (well maybe a little), and lots more time for gardening, thrifting, and getting my house whipped into shape.
One month ago, on a very very cold afternoon, I walked across the stage at the outdoor venue at Oakland University, receiving my Masters of Arts in English. To say this past two years were challenging would be a complete understatement. There were many tears shed, lots of papers written, and many headaches trying to wrap my brain around the material. However, it has been all worth it, especially now that I am done!
I am now contemplating my next move. Do I get a teaching job at a junior college? Do I work on my PhD? Do I move out to L.A. and take advantage of a potential job offer in the film industry? To be completely honest, I am a total Midwest girl at heart and would really love to stay here. So for the next few months, that's what I am going to do --stay put-- until I figure out where my life is headed.
What I have been doing since graduation is enjoying my home and time off. First on my list was to put some flowers in the ground -- something I wasn't able to do last summer.
This is along the back of my house. I picked up the bench, which is in rough shape (read shabby chic), for $3 at an estate sale. It was hidden in the basement, where the best things normally hide. The watering can is vintage and was my grandma's.
You can tell I rather favor it, as it appears in this photo as well. I really love this little spot on my back patio. The chair is the only real vintage metal chair I own. I pulled this out of a basement as well and probably didn't pay more than $1 for it. I bought a huge lot of stuff at the sale and was given a bulk price for it all. The vintage side table was found at the Salvation Army for $3. It could use a new coat of paint, but for now I am enjoying the little bits of rust. It adds character, right?