Some of you may have noticed that I don't post outfit pictures anymore. And, today I want to come clean. For the last year or more I have lost my battle with staying in shape and along with it went my ability to wear a vast majority of what hangs in my closet.
I've never been a twig; I have always had curves. I was very active in high school -- being on the dance team kept me in shape and allowed me to eat pretty much whatever I wanted. But like so many women, after high school it was hard for me to stay that thin.
For most of my adult life, my weight has yo-yoed and for a while I was very comfortable with where I was at. That's when I started this blog and began my journey on becoming who I always knew I was: a vintage loving girl trapped in the 21st century. I had always had a passion for vintage fashion and the styles of the 1940s & 1950s, but lacked the courage and confidence in myself to wear more than a coat, purse, or piece of jewelry. When I finally decided to shed this insecurity, a whole new world opened up to me, one I instantly loved and knew would be with me for the rest of my life.
For the last year I have dreaded getting dressed, going out, and was just overall unhappy with where my body was. I had lost the ability to outwardly express who I was on the inside and was on the fast track to becoming someone who lived in comfy clothes.
Nine weeks ago that all changed. I decided that I no longer wanted to live a life of unhappiness due to a part of my physical appearance that I could actually control: my weight. After having success on the program before, I decided to join Weight Watchers to help me reach my goal and so far, I am really enjoying the results. I have a long way to go, but I am so glad I am on my way.
While I have had this post in the works for some time, I haven't felt quite ready until now to share it. Admitting to myself (and others) that food is very much like a drug for me has been a huge step forward in my "recovery." And I can't tell you how excited and motivated I am to be able to get back into all my pretty dresses. Vintage will always be apart of who I am and I am so thrilled that I am back on the road to it.