I am pretty much an exclusive at-home hair colorer. I rarely go to the salon to get my hair done. This is probably because I am pretty particular what I choose to spend my money on. Plus, I feel if done right, you can achieve the same results coloring your hair at home as at the salon.
In comes this hair dye. Several months ago, I attempted to go red, without the results that I was hoping for; after which I finally accepted that I would not be able to get these results without lighting my hair first. However, a few months later, I got another bee in my bonnet to give it one more go. While strolling the hair dye aisle, I came across Nutrisse Ultra-Color Shade R3 which claimed to be formulated especially for dark hair. I figured, why not? and bought the dye. For less than $10, I felt it was a safe gamble.

Well, to my surprise, it actually did what it said it would! I've had it on for about two weeks+ now and haven't really noticed any major fading. Although, for the first few days it continued to wash out, which really concerned me, since most home dyes I have used tend not to do that.
I left it on my hair for the max amount of time, to ensure that I would get the best results. What is nice about this dye is it comes with a small vile of olive and avocado oil to mix in with the dye, plus a conditioner to put on after you wash it out. I felt that my hair was left smooth and silky after the dying process and my ends seem to be the same as before I dyed my hair.
Overall, I would give this dye a 9.5 out of 10. I had to take a half point off since this dye is harder to get off your skin than any other dye I have used before. It's pretty potent.
I plan on keeping up with the color with manic panic. Anyone have color suggestions or advice for using it? I have never used manic panic before, but have heard good things.