In order to try and catch up and put away and organize all my recent finds, I thought I'd share some of my favorites that were found over the last month. I was a busy girl this October; two flea markets, many garage sales and estate sales. I was checking out craigslist last night and came across two promising estate sales for Saturday! Anyways, on to the stuff!!
This was my splurge at the last flea market I went to. I really liked it and it was at the second booth we stopped at. I decided that if it was still there when I went to leave, it would come home with me. I talked the lady down to $20.00. She said that she thought the table was from the turn of the century but I think its a little newer than that. Any thoughts?? My mom went with me to this flea market too!! See her finds HERE.
These boxes of vintage ornaments haven't made their way to the booth yet. I am waiting till November 1st to put out all my Christmas stuff that I have been putting together.
I am so glad today is Friday! I had a busy week at school and next week at school is going to be just as busy, but I am going to try and get a lot of my homework done tonight so I won't be so busy this next week. And maybe I'll be able to get some of my sewing projects done!! :)