Yesterday's trip to the vintage clothing expo was a major success!! I found some really great stuff and was able to even cross a few things off my wish list!! I just love when that happens. The weather was a bit more chilly than I had hoped, but I wore this outfit as planned anyways. The dress came from the farmhouse sale and it such a pretty blue color with pink and green plaid print. (I would have left it color, but it was so sunny out that the expression on my face is not quite flattering). The purse is a sneak peak at the stuff I found at the digger sale this weekend. I also set my newly cut hair in pin curls. I finally got a correct middy haircut and I am in love!!

1. A 40s New Look Dress: I spotted this dress when we walked in, but there was no price and the owner of the booth was no where to be found. I decided I would just check and see if it was still there on my way out. It was and I snagged it for a mere $25!! It is cut in such a flattering way and check out that fabulous beading.
2. Vintage Now Old Stock Sunglasses: My mom found these and convinced me that a gal can never have too many sunglasses. They are so cute on and I am really digging the contrast of the white sides with the black fronts.
3. Late 50s Sun Dress: I found this and number five in the same booth. I don't know why we didn't stop into this booth first because the ladies had spectacular prices. Maybe it's a good thing we found it last, otherwise I wouldn't have had any more money left!! I had been looking for a dress that would compliment my tooled leather wedges better than the dress I wore it with last time and this dress fit the bill. Plus I really liked that the entire upper back portion is smocking and the inside features a makeshift bra to accommodate for the low back. I can already tell this will be a summer favorite.
4. A 20s Oriental Raw Silk Jacket: I have been wanting to incorporate more diversity into my vintage clothing. I really love the 30s-50s, but lately I have been feeling the need to branch out a bit. I love the robes from the 20s that have this look to them, however they are not in my budget right now. That's why I was so excited to find this jacket. It has the look of the popular Oriental robes but with a more versatile wearability. Plus its raw silk and only cost $40!!
5. A 50s Fur Trimmed Sweater: This has been a wish list item for a very long time. These come up on eBay quite a bit, but I can never seen to win one. I also saw a lot of these at this expo but all the dealers were asking prices in the $100 range, which I think is kinda steep for a sweater that is pretty common. I almost didn't even look at this one because I figured it would be out of my prince range, but then again all the this booth's prices were extremely reasonable. So, for only $38 bucks it came home with me.
I just want to do a little shout out to the ladies from this booth. They traveled from Wisconsin to sell at this show and said they do quite the business there. I am not surprised. With most of the other booth charging so much for their vintage items (and some of the stuff they were calling vintage was from the 80s) it's no wonder these gals made the sales they did. One of the owners, Suzanne, was telling me that her target consumer is girls like me, who want stylish vintage without having to pay a fortune. She also said she travels the U.S. to find her vintage. They have a website, From Regal to Retro and I recommend visiting them. Suzanne said they don't have a lot up there, but if you are looking for something to send them an email and they will be happy to work with you. They also travel to do shows, so maybe they will be coming to your area.
Outfit Details
Dress and Purse: Estate Sales
Shoes: ReMix via Amazon
Sweater: American Eagle
yay! i wish we had a vintage expo!
great finds!! I LOVE your outfit dress, too!!
Great finds?
Is #3 a DeWeese?
Emily, I had a great time. Your love of vintage is rubbing off on me. You should have shown my "big" purchase. You know, a gal can't have too many hankies.
Thanks for the memories, Kid.
I love that sweater especially :D
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