Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today I closed my booth at the antiques mall. It was such a relief! So in honor of this, I am holding a giveaway. If you are the lucky winner, you will receive a Chinese Cook Book, a vintage half apron, a single salt/pepper shaker with a Bakelite top, a jello ring, an Old Colony plate, and a vintage long rectangle table cloth with two matching napkins (it's white with black and red stripes).

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post about your favorite vintage item you own and why it's your favorite. Then on August 7th, a week from Friday, I will draw a winner.



P.S. I have added a little picture on the sidebar that links to this post. Feel free to use it in a blog post and you will receive an extra entry. Just leave me a comment with a link to that post.


Renee G said...

I have a glass deviled egg plate that was from the fifties. I just love serving eggs in it, because they each have their own space.

Michelle {Miss Strawberry Shortgirl} said...

HOT DOG! Hmmm...what is my favorite...I really hate to pick favorites...I'm afraid I might hurt something's feelings! hee hee ^_^ I guesses I'd say...my farm themed towel that my Mema gave me. It's from a feedsack and super cute. I love it b/c it's farmy and from Mema!


Hi Em,
Too bad about the shop...
That is a cute little "button" for your giveaway..how did you make it?
Asking what my favorite vintage item is ....ugh...When a friend gives me a vintage treasure...that is one of my favorite things...I do LOVE Chintz wear and have a few pieces...so, for today...it's chintz!
Thanks for having a giveaway.
Deb :)

★Carol★ said...

Sorry about the closing of your booth, but...you seem ok with it!
I guess my favorite vintage thing would be the old anniversary clock that belonged to my grandparents. First thing I would do when I got to their house was wind it up for them!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Fawn said...

My favorite vintage item is a hand carved serving tray from Singapore that was purchased by my grandparents when they were missionaries there in the 60s. It means even more to me since they both passed before I was born. I'm still looking for the perfect place to display it!

Unknown said...

My favorite vintage item? I had a book about "Entertaining and Being a Good Host." Some of the ideas were obviously dated (Be sure to provide plenty of cigarettes. Your kitchen staff must be well groomed.) It also had some cool illustrations I wanted to scan.

Unfortunately, my wife accidentally donated it to the Goodwill. Of course, when I went to look for it, it was no longer there.

The Cookbook Junkie said...

Most of the vintage items I own are cookbooks. My favorite vintage cookbook is the copy of one that my mother owned - the first cookbook I was ever exposed to. Her copy fell apart and the parts she had left had no identifying information but thanks to the internet, I tracked it down in one day.

YayaOrchid said...

What nice vintage items!

I guess my favorite vintage item is an old 1948 sewing machine. It does need some work on it though.

Susie Homemaker said...

HI Emily,

Coming over from your Mom's blog...I love a good give-away!

My favorite vintage item are my Taylor Smith Taylor "Ever Yours" dishes...

I got a complete set for 12 along with serving bowls, platters, and cream & sugar on eBay. I love them!

I am a very vintage girl...love your blog!


Susie Homemaker said...

I posted on your give-away...

Have a great day...and what a sweetie you are for helping out your Mom so she can still work. I know how much she appreciates your help :)...


Sandy said...

I love vintage dishes and have recently started collecting pieces that match the one in your giveaway. I have my fingers crossed.
Thank you,

TUTU Monkey said...

ooooo how fun!!
Love your blog...going back to see more fun treasures.

Take care, Dana

Kristen said...

Just found your blog - so fun! My most favorite vintage thing was a black slip that my grandmother gave to me - so 1940's. I in turn gave in to a dear friend who not only looks just like my grandmother but now wears it often.

Tera Crain said...

My house! Built in 1949 and picked out by my husband, who I met in the vintage store I worked at. The house is very simple but with nice details like intricate case molding. It is white with green trim, match my husband's eyes, teehee. He bought it when he thought he would be a bachelor his whole life and then met me. He told me his house needed something and if I wouldn't mind help decorate. That was our first date. A year later he carried me over the thresh hold. The house has had many tenents and owners but I feel we have given it the most love. It is only 780 square feet but cute and now home to our good ole days.

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