Sunday, November 3, 2013


Sharing my love for the Dionne Quints.  If you want to learn more about them, I highly recommend the film Million Dollar Babies.  See my Film Fashion Friday post about it HERE.

I've finally decided to really get organized with my blogging and to start trying to plan for the whole month instead of by the week.  So far, I'm loving it!  I'm going to be sharing more on this after the holidays.

Taking Pumpkin to get a trim.  She's always so excited to see me when I come to pick her up.  Best feeling!

All the ladies hanging out together before the photoshoot started.  This is another hint of things to come on this here blog.  I'm getting really excited with where Livin' Vintage and Livin' Vintage Shop is heading in the next few months!!

Are you on instagram?  Lets follow each other!

Also, don't forget to get your November and December ads to be included in the Holiday shopping guides!  Plus, if you buy two months of ads, get January FREE.  What a way to start off the New Year!