The guards are made of a jelly-like material -- think of the material used to make those jelly handbags a few years ago. This makes it easy for you to trim off any excess and make a custom fit to your shoe. They are also washable. They are a bit pricey, since you need to buy them at a dance supply store or website. I have occassionaly seen them at Walmart with the other shoe inserets, although I don't remeber how much they ran. Discount Dance Supply offers them for a really good price -- under $20. This is the same brand I got years and years ago. They have held up very well, but do discolor to a slight yellow color.
I hope this little tip helps and gives you an excuse to keep those cute shoes! :)
**Sorry for the crappy picture. I don't have access to my normal computer as I am currently serving jury duty. Also don't forget to post a question on my last post!! :)
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