Today I had a bridal shower to attend. I was so excited that I would have an occasion to wear my new dress too!! A few days ago, I took some clothes to trade at my favorite vintage shop near my house. They gave me generous store credit and I walked out with this 40's dress for only $20 off my store credit balance, leaving me a ton more to spend. I was looking for a dress to match my new Lana Turner bracelet and this one looked great with it. I also was able to wear my new shoes!
Last night, I set my hair with perm rollers and brushed it out in the morning for that 40's look. I still need some more practice on getting the correct look, so any tips would be welcomed!! I also tried out a new nail polish. I normally wear the red from the Hard as Wraps line that Sally Hanson has or Red Red from Wet and Wild's Wild Shine line. These both have more of a pinkish base. I wanted to try a polish that had more of an orange base to it and found Revlon's Red Hot Tamale to be exactly what I was looking for. I also picked up a new lipstick when I was at the drug store, but was sorely disappointed with it. If anyone has any suggestions on red lipstick that is under $8.00 and it actually red when you put it on and not pinkish, let me know!!
Dress: Mother Fletcher's
Shoes: Estate Sale
Bracelet: eBay, a Lana Turner Estate Piece
Hope you are enjoying the weekend!!
lovely look! That's amazing you got one of the Lana Turner estate pieces!
Emily, Photobucket says your photo is gone! I'd love to see it--I love to see vintage clothes in action!
Hi Heidi! I'm having issues with photobucket!! I can't get the right size to appear on my blog and it keeps deleting them. I put up a smaller picture but you can't see as much detail. Thanks for wanting to see it!!
I'm useless when it comes to make-up tips, but I sure love your outfit!!
BeautiControl has a Candy Apple Red creme lip color #14189. you can check it out on beauticontrol.com. LOVE your outfit!
Beautiful! I really like your shoes!
You look great! I love the pattern and it does go great with your bracelet. And how cool that you can find a great one-of-a-kind dress for $20--can't do that anywhere else. Just one more great thing about vintage clothes!
فحص سطح الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ وتحديد ما إذا كان لديه نمط الحبوب. في حين أن المعدن نفسه صلب ، فإن العملية التي تلميع الصانع بها السطح قد تتركه مع خدوش اتجاهية باهتة. كلما قمت بتنظيف سطح من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ - حتى لو كنت تستخدم ما يسمى بالمنصات "غير المخدوشة" - حاول أن تفرك البقع برفق في نفس الاتجاه مثل الحبوب الموجودة بالفعل على السطح.
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