ATTENTION ALL MICHIGAN VINTAGE ENTHUSIASTS: There is FINALLY an event here that looks like it is going to be a blast and is all vintage themed!
The Motor Muster will be held Saturday June 19th and Sunday June 20th at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan. The main draw for the event will be the car show featuring cars from the 1930s to the 1970s. However, on Saturday, there will be a USO Dance at 7 p.m. And both days will feature a tribute to Cole Porter's music. The event costs $22.
I am seriously ecstatic, to say the very least. I will definitely be there on Saturday (I wouldn't miss that USO Dance for anything!) and might be going on Sunday in the morning as well. If any of my readers are going, let me know so we can meet up and take pictures!!
I can't wait!! The outfit and hair-do planning starts now! All ideas welcome!
Check back for a recap and pictures from the event!
of course, we will be vacationing in michigan starting the 21st (@#$#Q@%) and near K-Zoo/Battle Creek. still looking for things to do. What do ya'll do for fun?
have fun! look forward to seeing what amazing hair-do and outfit loveliness you create for this.
have fun! look forward to seeing what amazing hair-do and outfit loveliness you create for this.
oh-la-la... a vintage USO dance- that sounds wonderful! can't wait to see your outfit for the dance! :)
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