This past weekend I saw two movies I had been dying to see; Pirate Radio and Coco Before Chanel. Pirate Radio was spectacular!!! If you love 60's music and 60's British fashion, I highly suggest you check out that movie. It was super funny and tells a great story. I was less satisfied with Coco Before Chanel. I definitely prefer the Shirley MacLaine's version. I felt that version was a bit more entertaining and showed more of the fashion side to Chanel's life than Coco Before Chanel. However, if you are interested in Coco Chanel I would go see it, the french countryside cinematography was quite beautiful.
I saw Pirate Radio on Friday night and it inspired my Saturday evening look. I got this sweater over the summer at an estate sale for $3 and I have been patiently waiting until colder weather to wear it out.
Saturday I also tried out my Hot Sticks for the second time -- the first time did not go so well. After seeing this video and this video I decided I needed to purchase these and try them out for myself. I got mine through Walmart.com for only $15 (and that's the link if you click on hot sticks above). I did the site to store and it was really nice, and I do recommend that process if you don't need the item ASAP. My second attempt at using them went better, and I probably will get better over time. I did find that they can be a bit difficult to roll your hair on. I think this is because they are so small in diameter and don't really have any groves to help grip the hair and possibly because the rollers get pretty hot in the centers. I also found that my hair got much more frizzy with the Hot Sticks than they do with a wet set. The set I have is a 14 count and does work well, but I would probably recommend the larger 20 count set for girls with longer or really thick hair. The set that I did the second time around lasted over night and into the second day -- which I was really impressed with; especially for a hot roller setting. I think it lasted longer because I sprayed some Lotta Body setting lotion into my hair before drying it and used a little bit of hair spray on each section before rolling. Overall, I give Hot Sticks a thumbs up!! If you use Hot Sticks, leave a comment for any tips or tricks to using them!!
Sweater and Earrings: Estate Sale
Jeans and Shoes: JC Penny
Tank Tops: Target
Fun sweater, I like the stripes & the high collar. I've been wanting to watch both of those movies but they're not to the taste of my friends/beau. So I'll probably wait until they come out on dvd. :(
You look darling in this outfit...yet another I plan to borrow "someday."
Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Wheeled Walkers With Seats
Keep Posting:)
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