I am pretty much an exclusive at-home hair colorer. I rarely go to the salon to get my hair done. This is probably because I am pretty particular what I choose to spend my money on. Plus, I feel if done right, you can achieve the same results coloring your hair at home as at the salon.
In comes this hair dye. Several months ago, I attempted to go red, without the results that I was hoping for; after which I finally accepted that I would not be able to get these results without lighting my hair first. However, a few months later, I got another bee in my bonnet to give it one more go. While strolling the hair dye aisle, I came across Nutrisse Ultra-Color Shade R3 which claimed to be formulated especially for dark hair. I figured, why not? and bought the dye. For less than $10, I felt it was a safe gamble.

Well, to my surprise, it actually did what it said it would! I've had it on for about two weeks+ now and haven't really noticed any major fading. Although, for the first few days it continued to wash out, which really concerned me, since most home dyes I have used tend not to do that.
I left it on my hair for the max amount of time, to ensure that I would get the best results. What is nice about this dye is it comes with a small vile of olive and avocado oil to mix in with the dye, plus a conditioner to put on after you wash it out. I felt that my hair was left smooth and silky after the dying process and my ends seem to be the same as before I dyed my hair.
Overall, I would give this dye a 9.5 out of 10. I had to take a half point off since this dye is harder to get off your skin than any other dye I have used before. It's pretty potent.
I plan on keeping up with the color with manic panic. Anyone have color suggestions or advice for using it? I have never used manic panic before, but have heard good things.
Lovely color on you! Manic Panic is okay but Special Effects is actually better (http://www.specialeffectsusa.com/hair_dye.html). They are much more pigmented and last much longer. To keep my hair vibrant (it was red before the current blue), I only wash once a week. But every time I do wash it I put some special effects color in my conditioner and leave it on 5 minutes or so while I shower. Hope that helps!
Wow, that color looks amazing on you!! I had the same issue with red dyes.. I ended up bleaching my hair in order to get the red I wanted, and the touch-ups were really annoying (like every 2 weeks)
I'm using manic panic now, and I do exactly what Shrinky Inky says, mixing some dye with conditioner in the shower to help the color last longer. Also I've been washing my hair in cold water, then putting it in a towel before finishing my shower up with hot water. The cold water seems to help the color last longer :)
You look like you're in technicolor! And you're so brave to do it yourself! I would totally freak out. I'm actually growing out my natural color at present--I haven't seen it in 10 years, so we'll see how that goes!
I know some people love Manic Panic but it washes out very quickly and comes off on everything. I second Shrinky Ink's suggestion of Special Effects. Pretty much same concept as Manic Panic but always lasted way longer for me when I was getting my hair colored professionally (though it still washes out on things). But they are both still pretty messy/stainy. I couldn't wear any light-colored tops for awhile after freshly dyeing with it because it would rub off on the back of my neckline. It's the reason we still use black towels. LOL And basically no matter what, it always ran in the shower a bit.
That all being said-- the red looks gorgeous on you!!
You look simply ravishing! I think the colour really makes your skin 'pop' so to speak.
Very inspiring. I need a change!
I was checking out at a store a few weeks ago and the girl behind the counter had vibrant red hair that had held onto the color really well. I could tell by her 3/4 inch roots that she hadn't colored for a while, but her hair still had very little fade considering the time span and the vibrant red. When I asked her what she used, it was this brand. I need to check it out. I use the pro stuff since I can get it and do it myself, but I think this stuff looks like it has a longer life span.
Use Henna!
All natural. No chemicals.
Choice of red, red, or redder.
$10 of real henna powder purchased at an Indian spice shop lasts me two years.
I have used the same dye, my natural color is a very dark brown, so I just thought I was going to get a light tint of red. I was very excited that the color was vibrant and was easy to maintain. Darker colors do tend to stick everywhere, I rub vaseline on my ears, neck and my forehead, so when the dye gets on it, it is easy to remove. The color looks fantastic on you!
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