Lately, I have had an obsession with patio dresses. I found this one off eBay for a steal and have been wearing it all summer long. I don't know why it has taken so long for it to appear on the blog. It is so comfy, as are the rest of my patio/squaw dresses I have managed to collect. I love that they have elastic waists and necklines as well as the tiered skirts.
Do you have a favorite style of dress?
40s Patio Dress: eBay
Sandals: Kohls
Cute dress!!!! I love the swirl style wrap (like you had on in your last post) for every day. I like sarong dresses such as Shaheens for fancy going out.
I seriously adore it!
I like sundresses of any kind really... hehe
I need to find a few of these! It looks perfect for warm weather.
I like the print and silhouette of your dress, unfortunately all my 'patio' dresses are a little flashy/costume-like so they don't get a lot of wear. :( Example: http://thriftaholic.blogspot.com/2009/08/playing-dressup.html
Usually I wear a shirtwaist style dress, pretty much anything with a fitted bodice and full skirt works for me!
Very cute! What is a patio dress exactly? Is it like a house dress? I like that one!
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