A while back, Miss Cherry Bubbles tagged me to post a picture of the "real me." I was racking my brain, thinking of what kind of a picture would embody the real me. I finally decided on taking a picture with my sweet little doggie, Pumpkin. Ever since I knew what a dog was, I wanted one. After living twenty-one years without a puppy (I am living at home while attending college), my parents finally caved in and got me one. She is the best little doggie in the whole world!! :) In a way, I am sort of glad my parents had me wait because I really do appreciate her whereas I think if I were younger the novelty would have certainly worn off by now.
Other than my love for my little puppy, here are some other things that make up the "real me." I am always late or running late. I have a very hard time getting places on time, but I have been getting better. I spend way too much money and am addicted to online shopping, primarily eBay. Who doesn't love getting packages in the mail?? And, lastly, I am completely obsessed with movies, mostly Classical Hollywood. I pretty much watch a movie a day, whether it is for school or for enjoyment...sometimes both!
Instead of tagging people, I will open this tag up to any of my readers that feel inclined to do a post on the real me.
I also want to put the word out to all my fellow Michiganders that Saturday, March 20th there will be a jewelry and vintage apparel show in Bloomfield Hills at the Birmingham Unitarian Church. It's only $5 to get in and the one day show is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Check out the website for more information. I can't wait!!!!!
Awww, I love your "real me" photo!! Lovely pic of you, and Pumpkin is just too adorable :)
That sale looks fabulous - wish I lived closer to your neck of the woods!
I agree with Miss CherryBubbles...the sale looks like it would be fun to attend. I hope you do a blog about it and have some pictures to show us.
"....My two favorite ladies....."
Very sweet picture of you and Pumpkin!!
You sure find some great deals on ebay...I don't look as I think I could spend WAY too much!! Plus I like to touch and see the stuff I'm buying..
Deb :)
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