This week has just flown by! I have been meaning to post my finds from last weekend and never got around to it until now -- a week later! :)
Last weekend I decided to only two yard sales that were about two blocks apart. Both said that they had TONS of vintage stuff. The first one I stopped at was suppose to have TONS of vintage clothing. Well, there was one small rack, and all of it was either too small, too much $$, or just not really vintage. However, the lady did have a lot of vintage shoes. They were all size 10 and mostly 60's. I did manage to find this pair for only $8. I really don't see how they fit me, being marked a size 10AAA (I normally wear a vintage size 8-8.5 AAA) and all, but they are a perfect fit.
I just wore them on Thursday and found them to be one of the most comfortable pair of heels I have ever owned.
I also got this awesome vintage teal lamp at that sale for only $3!!! The lady had just put it out as I was about to walk out of the driveway and I ended up bring it home with me along with the shoes. The pink lamp was purchased for $4 at a thrift store. Both need new shades and probably will need to be rewired.
The next sale I went to was down a lovely street with all historic homes. When I drove up to the house I could already see all the furniture and other vintage goodies spread all out on the lawn. Everything at this sale was outrageously priced...but in the buyer's favor. Here's a few of the things I ended up with:
Vintage mens silk tie. Look for it next week in my etsy or email me if interested
Some lovely vintage gloves. The ones on the left will make their way to the esty later on today. The ones on the right have found a new home with me. The linen that the gloves are sitting on was also bought at the same sale.
Three vintage napkins that look like they had never been used. I picked these up for 25 cents!!
I have convinced myself that a girl can never have too many table clothes. I just loved this one and it had no stains, but a slight hole in it. For $2, it was worth it, and I won't feel bad about using this one.
The next day I checked out the weekly flea market that is held right by my house. No deals as good as the ones I had found the day before so I only picked up these vintage patterns.
And these vintage silk screen prints. I thought the little baby deer would look cute in a baby's room some day. Well, that's it for last weekend. But... I need to post about this weekend and update my etsy with all the new items I have waiting to be added. Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
I love the red and pink tablecloth. Perhaps it will "find its way" to my linen closet. Love your new look....almost as much as I love you!
Great finds, love the table cloth!
Love all of your recent "finds." I especially enjoyed the lamps and the beautiful tablecloth. Take care~
Hey Emily,
Yes, I think the table clothe is my favorite of your finds...well...the gloves are lovely too!!
No shopping for me this weekend...maybe the next one.
Deb :)
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